Business Change Management

Everything Is Changing. Is This A Great Time For A Blue Ocean Strategy?

Andrea Simon, CEO, anthropologist and author discusses how Blue Ocean Strategy finds customers' unmet needs [...]

At Last! First-Ever Women Referees Smash Glass Ceiling At World Cup

ML Ball, SAMC associate, describes how boundary-breaking women referees made history at this year's World [...]

What A Year For Women Smashing Glass Ceilings In Sports!

Andrea Simon, CEO, corporate anthropologist and author celebrates this year's exceptional women in sports who [...]

Refusing To Be Held Back, Women Are Proving They Can Do Jobs Once Reserved For Men

Andrew Simon, serial entrepreneur and SAMC Partner, discusses how more and more women are breaking [...]

Woman Leader Brought In To Fix NFL Embarrassment

Simon Associates Partner Andrew Simon discusses the hiring of Sandra Douglass Morgan as President of [...]

Who Says Glass Ceilings Can’t Be Broken In Male-Dominated Sports?

Simon Associates Partner Andrew Simon discusses female role models along with Title IX who have [...]

Yes, All Organizations Have A Culture But Not Necessarily A Good One

Simon Associates Partner Andrew Simon discusses the importance of building a common corporate culture, the [...]

How Viable Is Your Past Culture To Sustain Your Organization’s Future?

Andrea Simon, CEO, author, corporate anthropologist and culture change expert, will be speaking at the [...]

Nothing Proves The Importance Of Culture Than When Two Of Them Collide

Simon Associates Partner Andrew Simon discusses the importance of building a common corporate culture, especially [...]

“Girl, You Have To Get Your Power Back” — The WBC Action For Impact Summit

Andrea Simon, CEO, corporate anthropologist and author, shares takeaways from the Women Business Collaborative Summit [...]