Business Change Management

How Can Women Overcome The Roadblocks To Building Their Businesses?

Year over year, women-owned businesses are exponentially growing in both numbers and scale. Real progress [...]

Why Are Innovation Games Essential To Finding Big New Ideas?

Why do people love to play games, and how can Innovation Games help you solve [...]

Women In IT: Breaking Barriers and Overcoming Challenges

While it is true that in recent years women have made significant strides in the [...]

Best Tips And Tricks For Women To Work In Male-Dominated Industries

Building a career in a male-dominated industry can be a big challenge for women, but [...]

Ready To Rethink And Accelerate Women’s Leadership In Business?

Please join us! Women Business Collaborative (WBC) and Rethink are honored to host our Third Annual Forum, Rethinking [...]

Won’t It Be Great When We Don’t Need An International Women’s Day?

March 8th was International Women’s Day. On the one hand, I love that we take [...]

If Using Freelancers Is The Way Many Companies Do Business Now, How Do You Protect Your Corporate Culture?

Recently, I had a discussion with a CEO in an engineering firm about how to [...]

The Key To Innovation Games? Everyone Gets To Share Ideas And Build New Solutions

In my previous blog on Innovation Games, I talked about how “serious games” have the [...]

We’re Thrilled To Receive The International Elite 100 Award Honoring Outstanding Leadership In Corporate Anthropology

I’m pleased to announce that Simon Associates Management Consultants has won the 2023 International Elite [...]

Innovation Games: The Bridge To New, Previously Undiscovered Ideas And Innovations

Can playing games really lead to innovations? Yes, with Innovation Games! Have you ever sat [...]