Executive Street Highlights Andrea Simon Blog “Randomness Awaits You”

Andrea-SimonExecutive Street, the daily blog of Vistage International, recently featured an article by Andrea Simon entitled, “Randomness Awaits You.” In her blog, Andrea offers words of wisdom to business leaders who could benefit from putting some randomness and chance into their companies to arrive at big ideas.

Random-Ideas-300x197-150x150As a Blue Ocean®Strategist, Andrea routinely works with companies that are struggling to sustain growth in a changing economy—one that doesn’t look much like it used to a few years ago.

“Too often their approach is one of protecting old, guarded strategies bent on out-competing others just like them,” she writes. “Traditional strategic thinking traps these business owners into seeing where their strengths and weaknesses are and assessing their opportunities and threats, but all in a rather constricted business market space. This is not a rule-driven world but rather, a chaotic one filled with uncertainties and the unexpected. How to take advantage of that and turn frustrations into success stories?,” she asks.

Andrea challenges readers to think differently about what really matters to grow their businesses. “Maybe the most important step is to try lots of things and not judge them until you see what might really work,” she poses. “How could you put serendipity to work for you?”

To read Andrea’s blog in its entirety on Executive Street, click here.

About Dr. Andrea Simon and Simon Associates Management Consultants

New York-based Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC) serves clients in a wide range of industries from manufacturing, OEMs, customer care, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions to colleges and service industry companies, among others. One of the keys to SAMC’s success is helping the leadership at companies to “see, feel, and think” in new ways. For more information, visit www.simonassociates.net. You also can follow SAMC on Twitter (@andisamc) or Facebook.