How Corporate Anthropology Transforms Observation Into Innovation

Recently, I was very excited to be interviewed by Mukesh Gupta for his podcast, PBTO (Pushing Beyond the Obvious). For our session, “Transforming Observation into Innovation,” Mukesh was in India and I was in New York. We covered a lot of ground and had a great time doing it!

During the 58-minute podcast, I share insights and stories about what corporate anthropology is all about and how it can help organizations change their culture, create new products and services, understand their customers better and most importantly, drive growth.

I also reference the seven client case studies highlighted in my book, “On The Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business To New Heights.” These were companies in all different industries that were “on the brink” and used corporate anthropology to turn observation into innovation, and ultimately, into a successful transformation. 

To listen to the podcast, please click here or on the image above.

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From Observation to Innovation


Andi Simon
Corporate Anthropologist | President
Simon Associates Management Consultants