Becker’s Hospital Review Features Andrea Simon’s Article On Mystery Shopping

GiraffeHow can you know what patients really think of your healthcare organization? How can you influence what they’ll say to all their friends on the Internet about their last experience with you?

The answer: mystery shopping.

“Mystery shoppers can reveal provider organization’s hidden patient experience problems,” says Andrea Simon, Ph.D., President/Founder of Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), in her article, “Why we love mystery shoppers (And you should, too!),” published December 11, 2014 in Becker’s Hospital Review.

Mystery shoppers reveal if you really are patient-centered…or only think you are

Far too many healthcare organizations are missing the point that consumers often judge their experience in your hospital or physicians’ office more deeply than the actual clinical skills of the practitioners treating them. This is where mystery shoppers can help.

So, how do you measure up?

To read Andrea Simon’s article in Becker’s Hospital Review, click here.