How To Stop Worrying About Failing So You Can Truly Succeed

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Jodi Flynn for her podcast Women Taking the Lead. When I learned that the goal of her organization is to inspire women to overcome self-doubt so they can lead with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor, I leapt at it. Right up my alley!

Over the course of our conversation, Jodi asked some very interesting questions which allowed me to discusst what I’m passionate about, such as corporate anthropology, culture change,  women CEOs and especially inbound marketing. This question really made me think: What would I say to my younger self? My answer: Be an adventurer, stay curious. Don’t worry about failing. Pivot and just keep tinkering and trying stuff and sooner or later, you’ll hit upon your a-ha moment.

To get ideas for helping your company adapt to change in this fast-changing world, I invite you to take a listen.

To listen to the podcast, click here:

Jodi Flynn.png

Interested in how inbound marketing brings the right customers to you at the right time? Download our white paper.

Inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that pulls people toward your company and product where they naturally want to be. This white paper will show you how to attract inbound traffic which you can then convert into customers.


From Observation to Innovation,


Andi Simon, Ph.D.
Corporate Anthropologist | President
Simon Associates Management Consultants