Blue Ocean Strategy

Rethinking Women

Culture Change


Human Development

Seeking Transformation

At Simon Associates Management Consultants (SAMC), we help our clients adapt to fast-changing times.

As corporate anthropologists, SAMC applies anthropology’s concepts, methods, and tools to help clients “see, feel, and think” in new ways. We have developed methods to successfully transform business models, develop growth strategies, and build better corporate cultures.

Offering a full array of idea generation, innovation, and change support, we show companies and their teams how to respond to new economic situations, shifting customer demands, and innovative ways to sustain their growth. Often, companies stall out trying to stay true to their mission and models only to find that they are losing relevance. This is where we come in, helping them get off the brink, adapt to new realities, and soar.

Let us help you see a new future, one that is all around you.

Learn More about corporate anthropology

Blue Ocean Strategy®

Blue Ocean Strategy shows you how to find unmet customer needs and uncontested market space you can own.

SAMC executives are trained practitioners in Blue Ocean Strategy and utilize these concepts and techniques to develop new strategies, open new markets, and create demand. In this revolutionary business model, companies do not compete for a small, highly competitive pool of existing customers (red ocean) but create a blue ocean of new customers.

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Rethinking Women

We work with organizations and individuals to help transform their talent, improve their diversity and parity, and coach and train women to become the best they can be.

As trained executive coaches, we understand women’s challenges in searching for personal growth and professional achievement. We are helping to recraft the narrative about what women can do in our society. Our programs help women have role models, support women as they venture into their entrepreneurial businesses or corporate positions, encourage women to achieve C-suite positions, and help create companies with purpose. Now is the time to live diversity, equity, and inclusion for women to gain the respect, position, pay, and power they deserve.

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Culture Change

Business is all about Cultural Habits: the values, beliefs, and behaviors that are called our “culture.”

In today’s business environment, long-held certainties about how to organize your business are being re-evaluated, if not wholly revamped. Corporate cultures are ready for a reboot. Companies want to change their culture. As experts in using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), we help them assess today’s culture and transform it for the future.

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Transformation in an organization requires great leadership.

The need to develop the next generation of leaders is a pervasive concern for companies of all sizes and industries. Companies have eliminated their training programs and left their future leaders struggling to find their pathways. We offer several Leadership Academies designed for specific organizational challenges. Specializing in developing young leaders and particularly women leaders, we understand the different leadership styles relevant to particular cultures and corporate requirements.

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Human Development

Delving deeper into the obstacles of change has helped us look at human development challenges.

As certified coaches, we have developed both synchronous and asynchronous programs offered on a group and individual basis. Individuals are more isolated today. Remote work has created systemic changes requiring human development to support the new ways of working, with the freedom and opportunity for the hybrid workforce. Well-being is a critical concern, as is belonging. At SAMC, we focus on “self-care,” career choices, and “rethinking” professional development.

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When working with our clients, we have watched their mindsets shift from what they don’t do to what they can do.

The SAMC Book Collection

We can share with you so many of our stories. Our books are designed to help you re-think your story for today and imagine what it could be for the future.

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Women Mean Business: Over 500 Insights from Extraordinary Women to Spark your Success

Latest Blogs

My Journey as an Anthropologist in Business

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with CanvasRebel to discuss my journey as a corporate anthropologist, my passion for business transformation, and the lessons I’ve learned along the [...]

Deep Dive into Your Blue Ocean Strategy®

In the world of business strategy, diving into new markets is often seen as the hallmark of innovation. If you are thinking about re-thinking your business strategy, and a Blue [...]

Rethinking Strategy: Isn’t Time for your Blue Ocean Strategy®?

In today’s fast-paced market, playing the same game as your competitors might mean being stuck in a cycle of incremental improvements. Instead, imagine creating a space where competition becomes irrelevant—where [...]


425: Embracing Whole-Body Transformation with Barbara Holifield

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Barbara Holifield—a seasoned Jungian analyst, psychotherapist, and somatic psychology expert—on my podcast On the Brink with Andi Simon. Barbara’s insights, drawn from decades of [...]

424: Embracing Authenticity in the Age of AI: Vladimer Botsvadze

In the latest episode of On the Brink with Andi Simon, I sat down with Vladiimer Botsvadze—a true pioneer in digital transformation and marketing innovation—to discuss building a personal brand in [...]

423: Building Podcasts to Run the Media for Tomorrow

On this episode of On the Brink with Andi Simon, we explore the fascinating world of podcasting—its past, present, and potential future. Joining me are two extraordinary guests: Chad Parizman, founder [...]