Please send me your thoughts about the “On The Brink” podcast
I want to make On The Brink even better for you. Please share your ideas!
What’s hot and what’s not? What do you like about the podcast and what should I consider changing? Here’s your chance to help me turn On the Brink into an even better vehicle for change and growth.
Who would you like to hear from? Great speakers, authors or thought leaders you’d like me an interview? Favorites?
Topics: what are your pain points or joyful moments these days? Suggest and I’ll see what I can do to help you…business issues or personal ones, or both. This is a wonderful way to share ideas, “how to” tips and business/life experiences that could be of help to you or others you know.
I am always trying to stay engaged with my listeners so please talk to me and let me know what you think. I really look forward to your responses.