“Inbound Marketing: Engage Them And They Will Come”

The Next Webinar In Our Series: “Healthcare Innovation: Trends from the Trenches”

How can healthcare oganizations survive these volatile, very competitive times?

These are scary times for hospital leadership: the economics of healthcare are radically changing, hospitals are operating on razor thin margins, payment models are constantly evolving, and consumers are making healthcare decisions on their own, searching the web for the right solutions, even the right doctor. How do you stay competitive and in the black? Answer: Inbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing: How to capture consumers and turn them into customers 

In this webinar, Corey Smith will explain how inbound marketing is quickly becoming the necessary strategy for healthcare organizations to grow. He’ll cover how hospitals must adapt to the way today’s consumers make decisions, how to recognize and then successfully intercept a potential patient, and how outbound and inbound marketing can intersect for superior results—critical information for today’s healthcare environment.

What you’ll learn:

  • How-to’s of inbound and outbound marketing strategy
  • Healthcare-specific inbound marketing
  • What’s on the horizon/the marketing plan of the future
  • What the C-suite can expect from marketing  

Who should attend:

  • Hospital C-Suite
  • Hospital Marketing Professionals


Register for our webinar below!